Sunday, April 17, 2011

Festivities in the name of Kate

Kate turned five on Saturday and had a bea-u-tiful princess party to celebrate.
 After all that delicious cake and to prepare for our three-pizza taste test, we had to take a jaunt up and down South Forest Lane.
 The walk was too much for Sophie, Uncle Micah, and Kate.  They barely reached the driveway before collapsing.
Sunday, Naomi is the first one dressed for church after a super night's sleep.
Some John-bonding time.
 And some bonding time with the three of us.


Anonymous said...

What fun to get together with the cousins! I bet they had a blast together!

Love you,

Opa said...

Great blog and so up-to-date. I admire that. Was a great weekend - glad you could be there.