Saturday, May 21, 2011

The spice of life

We are adding some variety to a super-healthy but otherwise monotonous diet.
Half-price frappuccino days.  What better time to introduce Naomi to iced coffees?
We have successfully introduced cereal, bananas, avocados, and green beans into the diet. Peas seemed like another good option, but our sweet pea had her own opinion.
Smiling at me - NOT the peas approaching her.
Color theory 101: Set side-by-side complementary colors (opposite from each other on the color wheel) to make each POP.  Cases in point, the green peas in red ice cube tray, and the orange sweet potatoes in a blue tray. Thank you, college education!!


Tasha said...

Hey I didn't know you started a blog! Love the books! And of course love seeing Miss Sweetness!
BTW-when she is older you can start her on coffee milk. The boys LOVE it!

mom said...

In the pea picture she looks like she's thinking, "Mom, surely you jest!"