Sunday, April 8, 2012


A wedding brings Mom, Dad, Naomi and me back to our old stamping grounds: Mandeville. (Phil had to stay back and represent at an Athletic Banquet. Check out some of what he missed!)
The Lakefront, one of our favorite local destinations. Naomi sees Spanish moss for the first time. She does not want to touch it.
Although against Lakefront law, we did enjoy a Coffee Rani lunch under the trees. Naomi is telling Grandma she is done with her salad, and it's time to go exploring.
Opa actually finishes first, however, and brings the little miss to the water's edge. 
Walking like she owns the place.
This is getting to be a bad habit - not getting a picture of the bride and groom.  At least we have a few lovely shots of some attendees. 
Exploring the plantation home. Who can resist a staircase?
And here we have the unbelievable: 1 - Naomi goes to Mrs. Levee (while an old friend of ours, a stranger to her), and 2 - goes to sleep in her arms! Fun to have Palm Sunday at Three Rivers and see some familiar faces!!

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