Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A dream realized

The early exposure to hats has apparently - and finally - paid off.  Last month in Target, Naomi started asking me for a "at," emphatically patting her head at the same time.
 I found this adorable Easter leftover which she sported for about 45 seconds.
The desire, however, was still not quenched, so we found this Rat Pack-style hat. Since I'm not fully convinced she will wear them for any length of time, we just enjoyed them at the store. That is what I do with hats too most of the time.
 Speaking of enjoying herself at the store: here is a little throw back to the gem from July 2011.
 Now, if only Naomi would sweep floors like her cousins playing "Cinderollon," the image would be complete. And our floors a lot cleaner.
But, at the end of the day when all the hats have been tossed aside, nothing beats hanging out by a fountain.


Anonymous said...

She is quite the fashion queen. I need to take lessons from her! So delightful!


mom said...

Naomi looks charming in hats. Grandpa would have approved big time.