Saturday, February 23, 2013

Firsts and subsequents

Sometimes the first of an event is most exciting, and sometimes a latter occurrence is more significant.
A first stroller ride (in a LONG time). Always a great diversion.
A second hair cut (Naomi!) followed by fun birthday party (first time finger painting!).
First time to the mall with both kiddos. Naomi picked our glasses.
Watching Cinderella, the second time through with no fast forwarding. A major feat as the first time, the movie was shortened to about 19 minutes.
Leif's first bites of cereal! He went from a puckered, distressed face to making noise and kicking his feet until he received an additional bite. Success!
 First frisbee lesson!


rer said...

Wrote a comment this afternoon but guess it didn't register. Love the pics. Would like a copy of the top one. Leif is getting so big sitting in the booster and eating rice cereal already.

Tasha said...

LOVE, love, love this post! And I was just wondering about your sweet family...hoping for a blog post and pictures!
They are both getting so big!

Anonymous said...

i think i see your new profile pic...

Anonymous said...

Always brightens our day to see our precious grandkids! How we love them!

Nina and Papaw