Thursday, July 21, 2016

VBS week

Naomi has been sick all week and missed 4 of 5 days of VBS. Sadly she has missed seeing me as a vulcher, Rahab, and a widow storyteller.  Leif has not, and ironically, he cries to stay home while Naomi cries to be missing all the fun (the grass being greener and all that).

Yesterday Naomi got an orchid for being sick as Dad used to get me when we lived in Indonesia. There were some wild and wacky colors but we went with beautiful purple since that's her favorite color.
Penelope has gone with the flow and from all accounts, has been an easy nursery addition. Though she gets home and has a good 2nd nap each day.
Scary version. Will try to get Leif's pic tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear Naomi is sick. :( What is wrong with our little munchkin? Love your outfit Christine! Very creative and fun! Can't wait to see you all!

Love you all,
Nana and Papa