Monday, August 8, 2016

Prize day

The first prize after day one of no finger sucking, the hardest,  came from the UD bookstore. The next prize threshold was today and came out of my closer stache.

Even Penelope is very interested! 
Penelope chowing down on plum slices while Leif spells his name out loud. 
We have talked about many things in the past few days, related to N starting school. Most recently, "But what if my teacher thinks I'm boring?" Between guffaws, I have assured her that Mrs. Neimeyer will not find her dull.


Anonymous said...

So grateful that Leif is progressing with no finger sucking. We know that has been hard for him and are proud of him getting through it. Way to go Leif and to Mom and Dad for sticking with it. It was most likely harder on you both than him! As to Naomi's thought of being a boring student, that will never be!

So fun to see all the new things Penelope is doing and getting into!

Thanks for all the pictures and updates. We are loving them!

sarah jo said...

I sucked my finger until I was 8. And I'm a contributing member of society - so good job whenever you succeed :D. And NOBODY, I think, will ever find Naomi boring :D