Saturday, January 21, 2012

After the dust settles...

We still look for fun now that the holiday season is past and we are home again.
So, we have broken out the crayons.  No writing on the walls yet, so I consider it a success. (The marks on the scanner came off).
Quick trip to see the Caravaggio paintings at the Kimbell.
Visiting Daddy at work, and getting super-excited to be sitting at a desk.
Wearing moccasins and inspecting the heater...with the remote control.
Taking sweet pictures with Mommy.
Trying on Mommy's hat against my will while Daddy tries on jeans.
My most thoughtful Indian coworker brought back this amazing ethnic-wear for Naomi.
She can't help but strike a ballywood move. (Sorry for the blurriness; I had milliseconds to react!)
Naomi strolling around the yard with her dolly.
Can't you see the nurturing spirit coming out with her baby doll thrown over her shoulder?
Both how we are learning to count and how we burn off the last bit of energy before bed.


Anonymous said...

Naomi leads quite the busy and fun life! Loved all of these. She has grown so much. Love her expression in the Indian garb and that video is awesome!!! She would be a great addition to Nana's Zumba class!

I'm so very very grateful for all these priceless gems!


Opa said...

Judging by the video your little Bollywood star is getting her moves right. Great pics.

mom said...

Lovely series, once again. Could not stop laughing when I saw her in her sari!!

Grandma said...

Have not seen such a funny shot of one of my grandchildren since the one where Carolyn was feeding Sophie and Kate climbed up onto the changing table and covered herself in diaper cream.

Meagan Dennison said...

that dancing is fantastic!!
Also, i meant to tell you that on Sunday when I was in the nursery changing Crew, Naomi came up to me and gave me a big hug on the leg! It made my day.

Christina said...

S-U-P-E-R funny and cute! That sari picture is worth a million bucks, giggling out loud!

akeating said...

Love it!! Especially her dancing - gets me every time. :)