Thursday, February 11, 2016

 Who would have thought this pretty cup could cause tears at breakfast? We got to talking about Mr. McGregor and how he caught Peter Rabbit's father, and Mrs. McGregor made him into a pie. 
And Leif burst into tears, "Bad people! Bad, bad people!" My tender heart. 
Snuggles with her bunny paci 
after some tent time in the front while mommy attacks the army of weeds that have overtaken the yard. 
And I introduced the kids to Anne of Green Gables today. Leif grabbed his horse to watch with since Matthew drives Anne home with a horse and carriage. Naomi loved it, asking a question every thirty seconds, though an hour and a quarter in she was asking,  "Who is Anne?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So touched by Leif's tender heart. I guess we need to keep mum about what happens when we need meat in the freezer. :( Love love love the sweet pictures! Yeah for Anne of Green Gables! We have the book series as well as the DVD's. Miss those sweet munchkins. What a gorgeous day to be outside!
